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Hello, traveller from afar who has wandered into this little patch of land on the internet. Be your visit by chance or by intent, welcome. May you find what you seek, or perhaps discover something delightful.

I’m Lómenoirë, currently a Computer Science student at Carnegie Mellon University taking these courses. Apologies if this place is a bit messy—it has been my public playground for some years, but I quite like the way it has organised itself.

Should you choose to explore further, you might start with some blog posts, projects, photos,or (bad) ideas. For those who enjoy playing around with maps, scroll down and one shall be revealed.

You can also try to visit Planet 404 if you find yourself absolutely bored. There’s also my CV, schedule, or public key in case you’re looking for any of those.

H5 News

16 September 2024
Poster presentation at CMU’s 2024 Database Industry Affiliate Program Meeting

14 August 2024
We won the ACL 2024 Best Paper Award for Semisupervised Neural Proto-Language Reconstruction (by me, Peirong Xie, and David R. Mortensen)!

16 May 2024
Our paper, Semisupervised Neural Proto-Language Reconstruction by me, Peirong Xie, and David R. Mortensen, will appear at ACL 2024 (and I’ll be presenting in Bangkok this August).

27 March 2024
Finally available on arXiv:
Liang Lu, Jingzhi Wang, and David R. Mortensen. 2024. Improved Neural Protoform Reconstruction via Reflex Prediction. ArXiv:2403.18769 [cs].

20 February 2024
Our paper, “Improved Neural Protoform Reconstruction via Reflex Prediction”, has been accepted to LREC-COLING 2024. More information soon.

02 January 2024
Paper’s out—
Mihir Mongia, Tyler M. Yasaka, Yudong Liu, Mustafa Guler, Liang Lu, Aditya Bhagwat, Bahar Behsaz, Mingxun Wang, Pieter C. Dorrestein, and Hosein Mohimani. 2024. Fast mass spectrometry search and clustering of untargeted metabolomics data. Nature Biotechnology, pages 1–6. Publisher: Nature Publishing Group.
Fun time building this.

H5 Reading List (FINO Queue (First In, Nothing Out))

H5 Random
fun todolen ([] : todo list) : int = 0
  | todolen (t::ts : todo list) = 1 + todolen(t::ts)

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