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Curriculum Vitae

NameLiang (Leon) Lu

H2 Education

H5 Carnegie Mellon University
H6 B.S. in Computer Science, Pittsburgh, PA, May 2022 – Present
Expected GraduationDec 2025
Planned ConcentrationsLanguage Technology and Computer Systems
Current GPA4.00/4.00
Activities and SocietiesFlutonium (flute ensemble), IRIS Lunar Rover
HonorsDean’s List, High Honors, every semester so far
Coursework15-411 Compiler Design
15-445 Database Systems
11-711 Advanced Natural Language Processing
15-213 Computer Systems
15-210 Parallel and Sequential Data Structures and Algorithms
15-251 Great Ideas in Theoretical Computer Science
15-122 Principles of Imperative Computation
15-150 Principles of Functional Programming
15-113 Special Topics in Applied Python Programming
21-325 Probability
21-127 Concepts of Mathematics
21-241 Matrices and Linear Transformations
21-259 Calculus in Three Dimensions
80-285 Natural Language Syntax
80-180 Nature of Language
85-102 Introduction to Psychology
98-242 Introduction to Esoteric Programming Languages
H5 Nansha College Preparatory Academy
H6 High School, Aug 2018 – Jun 2022
Weighted GPA4.61
Activities, Societies, and HonorsNational Honor Society ΓΚΧ, Tri-M Music Honor Society (Vice President), South China Model United Nations (Secretary-General), Tech Solution Team (Manager), Student Government, Drama, Debate Team, Student Government, Wind Ensemble, Choir, China Thinks Big, Valedictorian
Advanced Placement5 on AP Physics I, AP Physics II, AP Physics C Mechanics, AP Physics C Electromagnetism, AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC, AP Microeconomics, AP Macroeconomics, AP Chemistry, AP Statistics, AP Computer Science Principles, AP Seminar, AP Computer Science A, AP Biology, AP Research

H2 Publications

2024Liang Lu, Peirong Xie, and David R. Mortensen.
Semisupervised Neural Proto-Language Reconstruction.
The 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2024) (to appear).
2024Liang Lu, Jingzhi Wang, and David R. Mortensen.
Improved Neural Protoform Reconstruction via Reflex Prediction.
The 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024).
2024Mihir Mongia, Tyler M. Yasaka, Yudong Liu, Mustafa Guler, Liang Lu, Aditya Bhagwat, Bahar Behsaz, Mingxun Wang, Pieter C. Dorrestein, and Hosein Mohimani.
Fast Mass Spectrometry Search and Clustering of Untargeted Metabolomics Data.
Nature Biotechnology, Jan 2024.

H2 Teaching

H5 Instructor:
H5 Teaching Assistant:
H5 Lectures:

H2 Skills

ProgrammingRust, C, C++, Python, Go, JavaScript, TypeScript, SQL, GraphQL, Standard ML, OCaml, x86-64 assembly, HTML, CSS, Java, GraphQL, jq
TechnologiesData and ML: PyTorch, NumPy, Pandas, NLP, Deep Learning, Neural Networks, Research, Matplotlib, seaborn; Systems: Compiler Design & Engineering, Database Engineering; Full-Stack: Node.js, Axum, Express.js, Flask, Svelte, React, Electron, MongoDB, REST API; General: Algorithms, Git, Regex, Linux, LaTeX
LanguagesFluent: English (TOEFL 114), Mandarin, Cantonese; Fair: French; Learning: Japanese, Esperanto
As a HobbyistGraphic design, Web design, Video editing, Photography, Flute performance, Music arrangement, Conducting, Music composition, Algorithmic Art, Data visualisation

H2 Work Experience

H5 Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science
H6 Teaching Assistant, 15-251 Great Theoretical Ideas in Computer Science, Aug 2024 – current
H5 Vertex, Inc.
H6 Software Development Engineer Intern, Jun 2024 – Aug 2024
H5 Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science
H6 Teaching Assistant, 15-150 Principles of Functional Programming, Aug 2023 – May 2023
H5 Mohimani Lab, Carnegie Mellon University
H6 Software Developer Research Assistant, Jan – May 2023
H5 Thousand Sunny Technology Ltd.
H6 Software Developer Intern, Summer 2022

H2 Research Experience

H5 Database Group, Carnegie Mellon University
H6 Researcher; Since Jun. 2024
H5 Proto Language Reconstruction Project, LLab at CMU Language Technology Institute
H6 Student Researcher / Research Intern, Summer 2023; Research Group Member, Since Jan 2023
H6 Researcher, a Computer Vision Project for AP Research, 2021 – 2022
H5 NLP Research with Dr. Xubo Qin
H6 Student & Researcher, Summer 2021

H2 Volunteering

H5 Nansha College Preparatory Academy (High School)
H6 Web Developer & Server Manager, 2019 - 2022
H5 Berkeley Bay Area Writing Project
H6 IT Support Specialist, Guangzhou, July 2019

H2 Projects

See also Portfolio

H5 Question Answering RAG System for CMU and LTI
H6 Homework 2, 11-711 Advanced NLP, Feb 2024 - Mar 2024, team of 2
H5 Co Language and Compiler
H6 Final project, 15-411 Compiler Design, Jan 2024 - May 2024, team of 2
H5 C0 Compiler
H6 Semester-long project, 15-411 Compiler Design, Jan 2024 - Present, team of 2
H5 BusTub
H6 A working database! Class project, 15-445 Database Systems, Jan 2024 - Present, solo
H5 Influx
H6 Building a new language learning app
H5 15-213 Computer Systems Class Projects, May 2023 - Aug 2023, solo
H6 Various system-level programming projects
H6 A vidual C0 debugger, Dec 2022 - Jan 2023, contributor

Contributed to a source-available browser-based editor, bytecode interpreter, and debugger for the C0 programming language (a safe subset of C) used by hundreds of students in CMU’s introductory C programming class. Technologies used include TypeScript and React.

H5 NCPA room reservation system
H6 Oct 2019 - May 2022, solo

Implemented and maintained online booking systems for music practice rooms and art studios on campus (JavaScript, Express.js); managed Git repository, performed code review, and incorporated code contributions.

H5 COVID-19 Donation Platform
H6 Jan 2020 - Feb 2020, solo

Developed an online donation platform in collaboration with 4 student organizations in high school to assist Wuhan Union Hospital at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic (Node.js), raising a total of ¥75,000 (CNY).

H2 Honors & Awards

Aug 2024Best Paper Award (Non-Publicized), The 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2024)
Fall 2023Dean’s List, High Honors, Carnegie Mellon University
Dec 2023Honorable Mention, 2024 Undergraduate Researcher Award, Computing Research Association
Spring 2023Dean’s List, High Honors, Carnegie Mellon University
Fall 2022Dean’s List, High Honors, Carnegie Mellon University
20212021 Global Citizenship Award, East Asia Regional Council of Schools
2021First prize (open round top 10%) and Silver medal (final round), International Linguistics Olympiad China
2021Gold Medal and Global Top 150, Sir Isaac Newton Physics Contest
2021Distinction and School Champion, CEMC Hypatia Contest
2021Distinction and School Champion, CEMC Euclid Contest
2021Distinction, CEMC Fermat Contest
2021Silver, Canadian Chemistry Contest
2021First Prize (individual) and Humanitarian Prize (team), China Thinks Big
2020National Honor Society
2020Champion, 2020 Shenzhen Fall Tournament, National High School Debate League of China
2019Distinction, School Champion, and Honour Rolls Group III, CEMC Fryer Contest
2019Distinction, School Champion, and Honour Rolls Group IV, CEMC Pascal Contest
2019Quarter-Finalist, 2019 Guangzhou Spring Tournament, National High School Debate League of China

H2 Certifications

H2 Activity / Leadership and Service

H5 IRIS Lunar Rover
H6 Dec 2022 – Jan 2023
H5 Tech Solution Team, NCPA
H6 Manager, 2019 – 2021; Member, 2018 – 2022
H5 South China Model United Nations (SCMUN)
H6 Secretary-General, 2021 - 2022; Deputy Secretary-General, 2019 - 2021; Chair, 2019
H5 Tri-M Music Honor Society, NCPA
H6 Vice-President, 2020 - 2021; Music Director, 2020 - 2021; Member, 2019 - 2022
H5 Student Government, NCPA
H6 Representative, 2018-2019; Promotion Team, 2019-2020; Representative, 2020-2021

H2 Theatre

2021Richard Green / Mr. Frederick Polk in The Murder Mystery at the Murder Mystery
2019Jacob Marley in A Christmas Carol

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