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#linux #command

A useful terminal multiplier multiplexer (hmm whatever)

It lets you run terminal sessions and have multiple panes in the same session

  • handling sessions
    • ⌃ B D to detach session
    • tmux ls to list running tmux sessions
    • tmux a -t 0 to attach to session 0
    • tmux a -t foo to attach to session with name foo
    • tmux rename-session -t 0 foo to rename session 0
    • tmux new -s foo to make session with name foo
    • tmux kill-session -t 0 to kill session 0
  • panes
    • ⌃ B % to make new pane to the right
    • ⌃ B " to make new pane to the bottom
    • ⌃ B {↑|←|→|↓} to switch pane
    • esc to close pane
  • windows
    • ⌃ B C for new window
    • ⌃ B number to switch to window
    • ⌃ B , to rename window