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Influx - Phase 1

#quest [status:: closed]

<- Quest Log

See also Influx Continuous Dev Log

H3 Abstract

First phase development for Influx, starting with framework and toolchain.

H2 Quest Items

  • Preliminary
    • Desktop app dev overview?
  • Experiments
    • Sending rust struct to front as ts object
  • Inbox
    • Design backend system
    • API
  • Infrastructure
    • file system access
    • vocab database
    • language database
    • relate language and tokens
    • lemma handling
    • always lowercase tokens
    • python interface
    • toml interface
    • db entries should be unique
  • UI
    • basic text reader
    • token data write requests and confirmations
    • svelte routing structure
    • file listing
  • APIs
    • documents
    • words
  • Phrase parsing
    • algorithm
    • algorithm on Document
    • efficient algorithm
    • frontend

H2 Wrapping up

Influx Dev Log - Phase I