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Portfolio - Music

These are pieces that I come up with using my self-taught music theory. I make use of different occasions to experiment with music in different styles. I consider these projects to be my learning experiences rather than finished products. A selection of four pieces is hereby presented in chronological order.

H2 Flute Concerto No. 0

Flute Concerto No. 0 (First Movement Only), 28 August 2019. This is my first attempt to write a classical concerto.

H2 Don’t Forget the +C

Don’t Forget the Plus C Song, 13 December 2019. This is a modern song with lyrics inspired by calculus. After forgetting to write the $+ C$ when solving differential equations, I wrote this song to remind myself to always include the constant $C$, which proved quite effective. The vocal part of the song still needs some rework, so only an orchestrated version is published.

H2 Reification

Completed on 2 June 2020, this film score later titled Reification is a part of my 2020 lockdown music series.

H2 Awaiting

Awaiting is another film score released on 6 June 2021. It is also my experimental work of minimalist music.