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Portfolio - Coding Projects

This page presents a selection of the coding projects I have worked on.

H2 Influx [2023-2024]

A new content-based, self-guided, NLP-enhanced language learning app emphasizing language exposure and active learning under active development

Stack: Axum (Rust), Svelte, SurrealDB, Stanza (Python), TypeScript, Tailwind
GitHub: https://github.com/chaosarium/Influx

H2 File Directory [2023]

List public files with one line of command.

Demo: https://repo.chaosarium.xyz/
Tech: Shell Script, Netlify, CSS
Extra: tutorial



H2 CMU Course Graph [2023]

Graph-based exploration tool that visualizes the dependencies of CMU courses built in 24 hours during TartanHacks 2023. Supports both 2D and 3D visualisation.

Demo: https://cmu-course-explorer.chaosarium.xyz/
GitHub: https://github.com/chaosarium/CMU-Course-Graph


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CleanShot 2023-02-04 at 16 43 05@2x

H2 PhotoArchive [2022]

Template to generate static photography website featuring a minimal, modern design written from scratch as described in this blog post.

Tech: Handlebars, Less, JavaScript
Demo site: https://gallerybeta.chaosarium.xyz/
Own photo site: https://photoarchive.chaosarium.xyz
GitHub: https://github.com/chaosarium/arxive



H2 Quartz-Plus [2022-2023]

Code to turn my Obsidian vault into this website—based on Quartz but includes preprocessing and postprocessing scripts to maximise compatibility with Obsidian. It also includes feature additions and style changes that I need on my website.

GitHub: https://github.com/chaosarium/quartz-plus
Extra: blog post

H2 Wuhan Coronavirus Donation [2020]

This is a joint project initiated by multiple student organisations to assist Wuhan Union Hospital during the COVID-19 outbreak. The development of the web-based donation platform started on 28 January 2020 and was launched on the next day. Within four days, a total of ¥ 76030.60 had been collected and transferred to Wuhan Union Hospital.

Technologies Used: Node.js, HTML, ejs, CSS, JavaScript, nginx, MongoDB, Bootstrap
GitHub: chaosarium/2019-nCoV_Donation
Website: (No longer deployed)



H2 NCPA Practice Room Sign-Up [2019]

An online booking system for NCPA’s practice room on the NCPA intranet featuring:

Stack: Node.js, HTML, CSS, ejs, JavaScript, nginx, MongoDB
GitHub: ncpatst/PractiseRoomSignup
Website: https://signup.ncpachina.org/practiceroom (only accessible through the NCPA intranet)


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H2 NLP Psychology Consultant Chatbot [2021]

This is the back end of a question-answering chatbot developed as part of our China Thinks Big project dedicated to helping parents better communicate with their kids. The project involves manually creating a Chinese corpus of more than 400 question-answer pairs and fine-tuning a pre-trained cross-encoder language model. An API built using Flask enables the communication between the front end and the back end.

Tech: Python, Flask, PyTorch, Sentence-Transformers
GitHub: chaosarium/CTB-NLP

H2 SCMUN Website [2019-2022]

South China Model United Nations (SCMUN) is the MUN conference hosted by our school. The website was designed and built for the 8th annual session of SCMUN and has been updated throughout the next few years.

Tech: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, nginx, Material Bootstrap
GitHub: chaosarium/SCMUN
Website: http://scmun.net



H2 Fractal Gen JS [2021]

A JavaScript browser app for rendering various fractal formulas1 with Julia mode support and many other configurable parameters.

Technologies Used: JavaScript, HTML, Bootstrap
GitHub: https://github.com/chaosarium/JS_Fractal_Generator
Demo2: https://chaosarium.github.io/JS_Fractal_Generator/



H2 Halloween Event Registration System [2019]

A spooky looking website designed for Helloween event sign up at high school while I was… hmmm, apparently away… in another country…(?)

GitHub: https://github.com/chaosarium/StugoHalloween


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H2 (Legacy) Older version of this website [2021]

Built using Jekyll and hosted on Netlify. See more detail on Legacy Publishing Process.

H2 As an open source contributor

  1. and possibly a new one called “Suspicious Mandelbrot”? (discovered by accident and added as an easter egg) ↩︎

  2. works best on Safari, somehow ↩︎