Releasing CMU Course Explorer: a graph-based course planning tool
#post #announcement #data-visualisation #front-end #JavaScript
*This post may be as sketchy as a hackathon project.
Made within 24 hours as a hackathon project for TartanHacks 2023 with three other amazing hackers, CMU Course Explorer is a new course planning tool that visualises dependency relations between courses. This addresses some of the problems of various existing tools: Stellic, which is slow and gives you giant lists, SIO, which is also slow and gives you giant lists, and ScottyLab’s CMU Courses, which is great other than for course dependencies.
Code at
see here
Media below hosted at GitHub
H3 Features we managed to implement in 24 hours:
- Data
- Scrapping script
- Graphs
- 2D graph
- 3D graph
- Course planning
- Adding courses to plan/star/taken categories
- Saving data in browser
- Dependency
- Displaying pre-requisites
- Dependency info parsing
H3 Missing features
- Cloud saving
- Better dependency visualisation
- Co-requisites
- Anti-requisites
- Logic (and/or) in pre-requisites
- Path finding algorithm
- Generate dependency tree for planned courses
- Highlighting critical path in graph given planned courses
- Highlight courses whose dependencies are all met