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Bad Ideas

A collection of… bad ideas

Good idea: code, make format, submit assignment, then git discard all changes from make format, repeat

Deadlock your database

Prompt engineering

CJK fonts in LaTeX

#![allow(warnings)] in main.rs

Memory leak… 80GB of leak… but when coding in Python


Reading your code from 2 months ago, and having to figure out what columns there are in a 56-column dataframe

for d in ...:
	for p in ...:
		for g in ...:
			for a in ...:
				for s in ...:



Trying to compile python programmes

Not having built in option type

type Option<T> = {
    "type": "Some";
    value: T;
} | {
    "type": "None";
    value: sorry;


Not Svelte

Eating pizza that’s been in the fridge for a month

Declare pub struct Thing {...

Forget you boiled water to brew tea and reboil the same water 4 times over 2 hours

Write if ... else ... then in Python, not run it, and commit to main

Start debugging and forget there’s something being cooked on the stove

Turn off bluetooth when all your input devices are connected via bluetooth

Design your programming and capitalize true and false

Forget to call softmax

String index by byte when there’s emoji in the string

Python environments

Write code that only works on Firefox

cargo clean then cargo build

Having to do NLP in Rust

Only water your plant when you’re not sad

Spell “pizza” as “piazza”

Sleep when you should be studying for a final

Leaking water onto your final exam

Pulling on your hair whenever you don’t know how to do a problem on the final

Write “coprima” instead of “coprime”

Recursion in Rust

Recursion in Python


Going to recitation after skipping lecture

Banning yourself from doing homework for the rest of the day

Writing the calculus chain rule when exam asks for the probability chain rule

Not drinking coffee before teaching 8 am lab

Writing SML in 251 proof

Expecting Python to work like SML