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Alignments (FVC)


Alignments take place regularly to make sure that what we do makes sense given the context. It’s the Cycles constituent of the FVC framework. Periodically checking if actions and values are relevant and important in the context of the larger picture helps us to work towards Life.

H6 Alignment routines
DailyTasks –> Projects
WeeklyProjects –> Disciplines
MonthlyHabits –> Disciplines + Life
QuarterlyDisciplines –> Life
YearlyLife –> 生き甲斐
H6 Periodic Note Hierarchy

Digital alignment setup shall be set up in this configuration:

└── 050 Periodic/
    ├── 051 Daily/
    │   └── YYYY/
    │       └── MM-MMMM/
    │           └── YYYY-MM-DD.md
    ├── 052 Weekly/
    │   └── YYYY/
    │       └── YYYY-[W]ww.md
    ├── 053 Monthly/
    │   └── YYYY/
    │       └── YYYY-MM-MMMM.md
    ├── 054 Quarterly/
    │   └── YYYY-[Q]Q.md
    └── 055 Yearly/
        └── YYYY.md