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Announcing regular lecture notes updates

Date: 2 Feb 2023

#post #announcement


Lecture notes shall get updated every Thursday by 23:00 on our file repo 1.

Now that we have a simple but working online file directory, it makes sense to put it into use.

For a long time we’ve dumped study notes under Shared Notes, but adding them manually takes time and creates friction in the workflow, which made it less fun to write notes—perhaps that’s why some of them were delayed until the very end of the semester.

Refactoring notes are meant to be a review process, and doing it within a reasonable amount of time from when they were taken arguably helps with spaced repetition. Meanwhile, pushing them to a website brings an extra layer of commitment to ensuring they make sense and are complete. To experiment with a weekly schedule, the best time for this semester seems to be Thursday night at 23:00. (If we didn’t… errr… umm… feel free to send us a threatening email and we will be willing to ignore it.)

Anyhow, here ends the announcement; off we go onto the next task.

  1. maybe with some non-zero probability. ↩︎