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Random Lockdown Film Score (commissioned by a film making guy who never told me the name of the film)

Date: 6 Jun 2021

#post/legacy #music/composition #work

This post originally appeared on the very first blog

Yes, I had no idea what the film is called… nor what it is about nor what genre it belongs nor who is involved nor how long it is nor what kind of music it needs nor if this film will even get completed nor what my deadline is. But what I do know is that someone just handed a video file and… I don’t know what happened next.

This is a part of the lockdown music series; links to other parts can be found below when available:

Writing music without knowing how to write music was basically:

def write_music():
  music_done = False
  while music_done != True:
    listen_result = listen()
    if listen_result == "sounds bad":
      music_done = True

After clicking in the accomplishments for the piano on the last day of lockdown, you get some strange string sustain chords that make totally no sense plus an ad hoc harp glissando halfway through the music to scare some people off.

Anyway here’s the clip with the score

Or the track alone if the video doesn’t load

* A remark one year later: Actually the piano’s quite nice. I guess banishing the string parts fixes it. Oh and… let’s title this “Reification” since I can’t think of a better name.